Well, let me just say, sometimes I feel like a whale and sometimes I don't! :)
I honestly haven't felt like a whale or any other beach type animal (manatee, seal, etc, you get the idea) since I started working out! I feel stronger, healthier and have more self esteem!
I am so excited to ALREADY see my hard work paying off! Since 2 Jan 2013- I was at a starting weight of 200.4 and today, 22 Jan 2013 I am at 188.4!!!! That is 12 POUNDS gone!!! And I will never ever let it come back!!!
My goal for the 12 week Biggest Loser Challenge was 20 pounds! A very healthy and manageable goal. But with this weight just falling off, I may be able to surpass that! Either way I am excited :)
My lifestyle has completely changed, like I said before I workout 5-6 days a week and eat between 1200-1500 calories a day. When you learn how to eat right and what to eat to stay full, it is really pretty easy! My body no longer CRAVES junk. I have no desire for fast food and honestly after not eating it for a while now, I pass BK and I smell grease. It is totally disgusting! Paul made real chocolate chip cookies last night and I ate only ONE!!! And I was ok with that!
I have been able to learn not to let food have control over me! When you let food control you (with cravings and gorging) you end up like I was, a whale. :( very sad face!
Anyways, I use myfitnesspal.com to log all my intake and exercise and it is awesome! Paul and the kids are so supportive and motivating! They all the time tell me how proud of me they are!
The only hump I have to overcome now is... THE DREADED BATHING SUIT!!!! I spent 3 gosh darn hours yesterday searching for 2 swimsuits. I found them and then almost had an anxiety attack when I went to buy them! I ended up not even buying them!!!! I want them, but ugh I am so scared!
I know 85% of women have cellulite... And I appreciate that people are like, oh I don't see it on you, but c'mon people. If I can see the dime size craters, so can you! Let's be honest! :) I just wanna get rid of it! And I know with healthy food choices and a good exercise program and hard work, it will lessen and maybe fade away, but that is my biggest fear about a swimsuit. I know my abs will be fine, I know my arms will be and my butt will look great... But my damn legs :/ eeekkk! I have always been very very VERY self conscious about my legs. And maybe it is because they have always been big- even in HS, even when I was little! But the big part doesn't bother me, it's the part where it looks like i got hit with a bag of nickels. Ugh!
Well, I hope you laughed. On that note I am going to the gym! Time for me time!!! I love me time :) I am actually really loving the gym!
Have a wonderful day!!! And when my 12 weeks is up, I will post a whole slew of before during and after pics! So stay tuned!
<3 Katie
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
My Journey... To a Swimsuit!
So. For those of you who don't know... I recently (Jan 7th) entered a weight loss competition! I didn't enter to "win", but I entered for the accountability and motivation aspects. The thing is, I know I have said in the past, - I'm gonna work out, I am gonna lose some weight, I am going to... blah blah blah. And I do it for a week or 2 and then get discouraged and give up.
The thing is, I have realized, 1. I was not doing everything that needed to be done to ensure success (ie watching food intake, water consumption AND working out REGULARLY!) 2. I was always spreading myself too thin. I have this issue of wanting to please and help everyone. I always overbook myself and my family and we are always running around like chickens with out heads cut off (thanks to me!) and 3. I had never hit "rock bottom" with my weight before. Of course, there have been times I have been heavier than I am now (drinking like a fish while in retraining school- gained 40 pounds in 6 months to hit my whale weight of 216-220 pounds!) But even then, I wasn't at a point where I "wanted" to make a change (kinda like smoking and drinking, YOU have to want it!).
Well, over the last 14 days (since Jan 1, 2013), I have made changes in my life to help me with my new journey! I stopped working at the Fisher House- even though I loved it, I needed more time for me, more time for school and more time to help my weight loss goal with working out. I enrolled in 3 classes this term and have cut my volunteering time in half. Even though I LOVE helping others, it is HIGH time I help myself 1st! For a change!
So, my new routines and goals? Well, I entered this challenge with the goals of working out 5x a week, losing 20 pounds in 11 weeks, and wearing a real bathing suit in April for our cruise! I haven't worn a REAL swim suit in 8 years!!! I have been hiding in boy board shorts and a tankini!!! Madison finally told me a week ago, that swimming ensemble "embarrassed her" because she wants me to wear a real swim suit like other moms!!! Tears! So I have set my mind to all of this and I am already on my way- with the help of my family and friends!
My hubby and kids are so supportive and help me so much with their compliments and words of affirmation! They constantly tell me how good I am doing, how I look good, how I am just doing such a good job and they are proud of me! It means a lot! My friends pull me (and kill me) in the gym! I love them! Without them, these classes and sessions would be horrible to do alone! With all of us, we pull each other together and kick butt!
My new routine consists of working out 6 days a week! And yes, I have been getting up at 630 am on Saturday to go to the gym! When I work out at home, I do at least 30 min of cardio/aerobics and some strength. I always do abs! When we go to the gym (almost daily), we do 60 min of high intensity cardio- CARDIOKICKBOXING!!!! Holy hell, this class is amazing! The instructor says I burn about 800+ calories doing it with high intensity! And I feel it! I give it all I have for 60 min! Then we do weight training for at least 30 min after! We refuel in between with a low cal snack of usually pretzels or fruit.
I also use MYFITNESSPAL.COM and log EVERYTHING I eat and drink and my workouts! It tells me what my caloric intake (along with protein, fat, carbs, etc) should be. Currently, I have stayed under my goal! Woohoo! Also, a key to weigh loss is enough sleep!!! Finally I am getting sleep and Paul is happy! LOL. I get 8 hours (give or take 30-60 min) and have been loving it!
All in all, doing all of this, I have been able to lose 9.1 pounds in 14 days. Some say- oh that isn't healthy. But I am doing it the healthy way, I can't help if it is coming off fast!!!! I am working out like I should, I am eating! And I am drinking a lot of water! Some people have asked me how it is coming off so fast and I tell them 1st- EAT WITH A PURPOSE! You eat to sustain your life, you don't eat to "feel good" or to give into your cravings! Figure out what to eat and what foods keep you fuller longer! Eat the RIGHT foods, like fruits and veggies (raw mostly) and you would be surprised at HOW MUCH you can actually eat and still be within your caloric goal! I eat on average 1200-1480 calories every day! People are like- you aren't eating enough, or how do you eat so little!
My answer, I don't eat BK. I try to stay away from processed foods, I eat A TON of fresh fruit and veggies, we eat dinner at home, we meal plan for dinner every Sunday for the week so we plan healthy meals and I don't starve myself- I eat lean meats and lots of fruit and veggies!!! I add protein to fruit smoothies I make when I do an intense workout day (to help build muscle) and drink lots of water. I don't deprive myself of sweets!!! Anyone who knows me KNOWS.... I LOVE SWEETS and I love to bake! Well, I bake a little less, but I still do! And I eat chocolate almost every night... My reward if I do good during the day is 2 squares of Dove Dark Chocolate Bliss! 2 squares=84 calories and I count them into my goal! :) It totally is the icing on the cake! AND- I still drink my coffee!!! I make them at home, and use aguave nectar to sweeten (65 cals for 1 TBSP) and 2 TBSP of my flavored creamer (70 cals) and coffee is 3 cals! for a total of 138 cals for my coffee! Totally doable! And as a treat- ONCE IN A WHILE!!!- I will get a tall skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks- 140 cals!
Everything is in moderation and don't give into your cravings for junk! Find alternatives! What I noticed is my "cravings subsided after about 4 days! After than- life was cake! Especially with fast food! That shit is the DEVIL! Not only is it loaded with fat and calories, but it is soooooooo bad for you! Produced with a ton of chemicals and fried, ugh, no thank you! I pass BK almost daily (on base here) and I can SMELL the grease! Freakin' grosses me completely out! Yuck! Not that I am trying to be a health nut, but seriously! When you LEARN about your food and are EDUCATED on it- your eyes will open (same with politics, but that is another blog! lol)
Anyways, to cut this novel- Doing all of this, I have been able to drop 9.1 pounds so far- well on my way to my goal of 20 in 11 weeks! Hell, I am almost 1/2 way there and I am only 2 weeks into this! Though I KNOW my weight loss with slow down eventually, especially as I build muscle, I am enjoying it for the moment! I know everyone plateaus and I know everyone will have different outcomes, but my thing is- I just wanna wear a swim suit and have smaller calves so I can wear cute boots with boot socks and leggings!!!
And I KNOW I will accomplish all of this and anything else I set out to do! Why? How? Because I am dedicated, motivated and driven!!! And that is all you need!
Mucho Love!
The thing is, I have realized, 1. I was not doing everything that needed to be done to ensure success (ie watching food intake, water consumption AND working out REGULARLY!) 2. I was always spreading myself too thin. I have this issue of wanting to please and help everyone. I always overbook myself and my family and we are always running around like chickens with out heads cut off (thanks to me!) and 3. I had never hit "rock bottom" with my weight before. Of course, there have been times I have been heavier than I am now (drinking like a fish while in retraining school- gained 40 pounds in 6 months to hit my whale weight of 216-220 pounds!) But even then, I wasn't at a point where I "wanted" to make a change (kinda like smoking and drinking, YOU have to want it!).
Well, over the last 14 days (since Jan 1, 2013), I have made changes in my life to help me with my new journey! I stopped working at the Fisher House- even though I loved it, I needed more time for me, more time for school and more time to help my weight loss goal with working out. I enrolled in 3 classes this term and have cut my volunteering time in half. Even though I LOVE helping others, it is HIGH time I help myself 1st! For a change!
So, my new routines and goals? Well, I entered this challenge with the goals of working out 5x a week, losing 20 pounds in 11 weeks, and wearing a real bathing suit in April for our cruise! I haven't worn a REAL swim suit in 8 years!!! I have been hiding in boy board shorts and a tankini!!! Madison finally told me a week ago, that swimming ensemble "embarrassed her" because she wants me to wear a real swim suit like other moms!!! Tears! So I have set my mind to all of this and I am already on my way- with the help of my family and friends!
My hubby and kids are so supportive and help me so much with their compliments and words of affirmation! They constantly tell me how good I am doing, how I look good, how I am just doing such a good job and they are proud of me! It means a lot! My friends pull me (and kill me) in the gym! I love them! Without them, these classes and sessions would be horrible to do alone! With all of us, we pull each other together and kick butt!
My new routine consists of working out 6 days a week! And yes, I have been getting up at 630 am on Saturday to go to the gym! When I work out at home, I do at least 30 min of cardio/aerobics and some strength. I always do abs! When we go to the gym (almost daily), we do 60 min of high intensity cardio- CARDIOKICKBOXING!!!! Holy hell, this class is amazing! The instructor says I burn about 800+ calories doing it with high intensity! And I feel it! I give it all I have for 60 min! Then we do weight training for at least 30 min after! We refuel in between with a low cal snack of usually pretzels or fruit.
I also use MYFITNESSPAL.COM and log EVERYTHING I eat and drink and my workouts! It tells me what my caloric intake (along with protein, fat, carbs, etc) should be. Currently, I have stayed under my goal! Woohoo! Also, a key to weigh loss is enough sleep!!! Finally I am getting sleep and Paul is happy! LOL. I get 8 hours (give or take 30-60 min) and have been loving it!
All in all, doing all of this, I have been able to lose 9.1 pounds in 14 days. Some say- oh that isn't healthy. But I am doing it the healthy way, I can't help if it is coming off fast!!!! I am working out like I should, I am eating! And I am drinking a lot of water! Some people have asked me how it is coming off so fast and I tell them 1st- EAT WITH A PURPOSE! You eat to sustain your life, you don't eat to "feel good" or to give into your cravings! Figure out what to eat and what foods keep you fuller longer! Eat the RIGHT foods, like fruits and veggies (raw mostly) and you would be surprised at HOW MUCH you can actually eat and still be within your caloric goal! I eat on average 1200-1480 calories every day! People are like- you aren't eating enough, or how do you eat so little!
My answer, I don't eat BK. I try to stay away from processed foods, I eat A TON of fresh fruit and veggies, we eat dinner at home, we meal plan for dinner every Sunday for the week so we plan healthy meals and I don't starve myself- I eat lean meats and lots of fruit and veggies!!! I add protein to fruit smoothies I make when I do an intense workout day (to help build muscle) and drink lots of water. I don't deprive myself of sweets!!! Anyone who knows me KNOWS.... I LOVE SWEETS and I love to bake! Well, I bake a little less, but I still do! And I eat chocolate almost every night... My reward if I do good during the day is 2 squares of Dove Dark Chocolate Bliss! 2 squares=84 calories and I count them into my goal! :) It totally is the icing on the cake! AND- I still drink my coffee!!! I make them at home, and use aguave nectar to sweeten (65 cals for 1 TBSP) and 2 TBSP of my flavored creamer (70 cals) and coffee is 3 cals! for a total of 138 cals for my coffee! Totally doable! And as a treat- ONCE IN A WHILE!!!- I will get a tall skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks- 140 cals!
Everything is in moderation and don't give into your cravings for junk! Find alternatives! What I noticed is my "cravings subsided after about 4 days! After than- life was cake! Especially with fast food! That shit is the DEVIL! Not only is it loaded with fat and calories, but it is soooooooo bad for you! Produced with a ton of chemicals and fried, ugh, no thank you! I pass BK almost daily (on base here) and I can SMELL the grease! Freakin' grosses me completely out! Yuck! Not that I am trying to be a health nut, but seriously! When you LEARN about your food and are EDUCATED on it- your eyes will open (same with politics, but that is another blog! lol)
Anyways, to cut this novel- Doing all of this, I have been able to drop 9.1 pounds so far- well on my way to my goal of 20 in 11 weeks! Hell, I am almost 1/2 way there and I am only 2 weeks into this! Though I KNOW my weight loss with slow down eventually, especially as I build muscle, I am enjoying it for the moment! I know everyone plateaus and I know everyone will have different outcomes, but my thing is- I just wanna wear a swim suit and have smaller calves so I can wear cute boots with boot socks and leggings!!!
And I KNOW I will accomplish all of this and anything else I set out to do! Why? How? Because I am dedicated, motivated and driven!!! And that is all you need!
Mucho Love!
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About Me

- Katie
- Ramstein, Germany
- I'm Katie. I am a mother of 2 great girls and a am married to the most amazing guy ever, Paul. I am 30, Paul is 26 and my girls, Madison- 9 and Emily- 6. There is never a dull moment in our lives!!! I currently go to school full time and volunteer a lot. As of Jan 2013, I have embarked on a life changing endeavor- losing 35 pounds! I currently blog about it, so feel free to catch up :)