Well, tonight the girls and I went to dinner with Madison's friends and family from across the way. Well, I shoulda known the night was gonna be bad to begin with... My car, a diesel VW Golf wouldn't crank. The battery died. I was quickly informed by my neighbors if you do not start a diesel morning and evening and let it warm up in the frigid weather, it can drain the battery... Ugh. So my friend John had to come over and give me a quick jump. Worked like a charm.
So off to Popeyes we go. Everything was fine. We were all eating and talking, yadda yadda yadda... Then we see this dog, trotting around the restaurant like he owned the place... It was a very cute Boston Terrier! Reminded me of Paul's old dog Rodeo :( Anyways, he is just running around. And the kids are laughing. At first I thought maybe he ran in from someone opening the door. 10 minutes pass... No owner. I'm thinking, I can so have a dog now :) Paul would love me like crazy!!! Then I see his owner. She is a mid 30's heavier set lady with 3 small kids...
I didn't pay any mind, until the manager comes over and tries to tell this lady, nicely and respectfully she cannot have this dog in here. Her response- WHY NOT? The manager explains, it's a health code violation, against the law, etc, you need to remove your dog. She refuses saying he is part of her family. He still at this point is super cool. Saying please, remove your dog. She is now acting like she can't hear him.
Soon, another man and another family start trying to tell her, she needs to take the dog and go, or at least put him outside while she finishes. She doesn't understand what is wrong and why she can't have this dog in here. She says he will stay by me, he is a good dog, he listens (all the while the dog is running from front to back and doing everything EXCEPT listening to her). We all try and explain to her she can't have a dog in here, but she is insistent, she can. "Have you ever been to a German restaurant?" she asked me. "Yes ma'am I have and they don't allow dogs either" I said. She shrugs me off.
I loudly tell her, if she doesn't remove the dog, they will call the SPs (security police) and have her arrested. She says.... No they won't. I tell her, Ma'am, your husband is going to get in trouble for your actions.... She says.... No he won't. I explain, yes, he will be he is your sponsor and he is the reason you are allowed on base, so if you get in trouble or your kids, it falls on him. She shrugs me off again.
By this time the manager is on the phone with the SPs. They are enroute. Her kids are crying. Her oldest daughter is sobbing, begging her mom to just take the dog outside so they can eat. She refuses....
By time, I am thinking she is just being hard to handle and basically being a bitch, thinking she won't get in trouble. But then.... the SPs show up and my mind is blown.
One SP approaches her. Asks if this is her dog. She says... No. He asks 3 times, she says no. Another one asks her, she says... Yes, it is her dog. WTF?
She is told to remove the dog. She doesn't. This goes on for about 10 min with the officers getting very angry.
They ask for her ID first she doesn't have one, 5 min later when asked by another officer, she hands it over.
When she starts to be questioned about her husbands whereabouts, she amazingly- goes deaf. Starts doing hand motions like she is trying to do sign language. I tell the officer (who is only 6 ft from me). She isn't deaf, she was just talking to us and the other officers, and I know signing, she isn't doing any of it... He chuckles and says " really, are you kidding me?" I shake my head....
Her daughter is crying, her boys are just pale faced and in shock. I feel for them. It's at this moment I think something may be mentally wrong... We just sit back and watch.
A female officer comes in and is able to talk to her. Her husband is in the states on a TDY for 30 days... Welp, guess that trip is cut short! The SPs call family advocacy (kinda like CPS for the AF) and her husbands 1st SGT. The female officer takes the lady to the rear of the building and frisks her. Then takes her outside to wait for a car to transport her to the cop shop.
Her kids are left inside. Looking around. Seeing people look at them. Scared. Sad. My heart was breaking. I was immediately taken back to the time my sister and I were in foster care. I wanted to cry for them. But instead I walked over to the kids and introduced myself to try to comfort them a little.
The oldest is Arianna, she is 7. Her brothers are Dustin and Joseph (JoJo), 5 and 3 respectively. JoJo isn't wearing shoes. His boots are next to him and he said his feet are cold, but his boots hurt bc of the sticks in them. So I pick them up and talk to him. "Sticks?" I say. "Yes, we had to walk thru hayfields and they got in my boots" he tells me. So I ask him, if i clean them out, would he wear them? He nods. I clean them out, and he is happy. His older sister, Arianna, is in tears still. I rub her back and tell her it will be ok. The police are there to keep her safe and make sure everything will be ok. They are going to call her dad and he will be able to come home soon. Dustin is quiet. He didn't like talking a lot. I did manage to win his affection by getting him some Fanta soda :)
It is at this time I notice, the kids have 1- 3 pc chicken meal to split between them. They are hungry. I rub their backs to comfort them and I can feel their dry, cracking skin thru the shirts they are wearing. I ask if they need some lotion, they say the don't use it. Dustin now raises his pant leg and says "thats why my skin is white and not tan" (they are all olive complexion, but their skin is grey from the dryness.) My heart breaks even more.
I stay with the kids, talking to them, playing hand games and all. They are feeling a little better. JoJo, every once in a while starts to cry for his mommy and all I can do is tell him, it will be ok. I tell them my name, Arianna said she would remember it forever :)
We were in there for about 90 minutes extra, just talking and comforting the kids. I wanted to take them home, unfortunately my car only seats 5 :( I talk to the lead officer about what will happen. He says he wants to make sure she is capable of caring for her kids. He doesn't care about the dog issue as much as before, but he was worried about the kids. I show him their skin and he is floored. He said he would make sure family advocacy got some lotion for them.
After everything was done, JoJo wanted me to carry him out with the police. The other 2 stayed close by my side. The when we got outside, they saw their mom. Arianna asked if she could stay with her, the officer said yes until the other cars arrive. She looked at me, sad - like she was alone. All i could say was "it will be ok honey. They are going to take good care of you and your daddy will be home soon! Remember the officers are here to help you guys ok?" She nodded.
As I turned to walk out, my heart sank, my eyes filled with tears and I wanted to bawl. Madison asked what was wrong, I told her no kid should ever be treated like that. It wasn't fair.
I choked back tears all the way home and now, as I write, I tear up again. I hope they are ok. I hope they get help. I hope their dad comes back soon. I hope they end up ok. Words cannot express how I felt tonight.
Sweet dreams Arianna, Dustin and JoJo. Hugs.
Loves to all,
awwww =[ That is really heartbreaking specially if youre a mother as well. what is wrong with that mother? i feel bad for those kids and dont even wanna know what their daddy will say to that..
ReplyDelete*gulp* what a sad situation for those kids, it's comforting to know that even as a stranger your may have given them more love than they have seen in a while. The silver lining in this story is that hopefully as they get older they will remember the kindness you gave them and be able to overcome whatever situation they have been through. Hugs to you girl, this story is sad enough but you got the whole pregnant hormones on top of that, lol.