So, it has been a while. It is the end of the year and I guess a lot of things have been on my mind lately. Things have been bothering me and I usually take the higher road and try to be the bigger person... But you know what?! Sometimes, things just need to be said...
1. Kids. You know what, kids don't always need to be treated as the best, be put on a pedestal, or take up every single waking moment of yours. Kids don't need to "get" everything just because. Kids don't need to wake up every day "expecting" to get what they want. Parents shouldn't walk on egg shells to appease their children in hopes they don't have a meltdown in the local store- for fear of embarrassment.
Parents need to take back the parenting role. Kids these days have this disrespectful sense of entitlement and it's our (the parents) doings. Just because Julie's parents or Joe's parents give them everything, doesn't mean your kids NEED it too. Make them earn it. Make them work for things. Instill discipline. Kids don't have to be scared of your, but they damn sure need to learn some respect.
To teach respect, parents need to learn it too and give it to their kids. Don't "talk at" children, but talk to them, with them and LISTEN. Take time out to spend QUALITY TIME with them. Just because you are in the SAME ROOM or HOUSE with them DOES NOT mean you are spending time with them. Your children learn from you- the parent. How you talk, your voice inflection, your tone, body language, etc. If your children are acting in a way you don't like- evaluate how you talk to them and others...
2. Adults. Get a freaking grip on yourself. People don't always have to agree with your stance, view points or perspective on life. Life is about making the most of YOUR life, not worrying about someone else's. Who cares is the Jones' get a new car every year or the Smith's take vacations every 3 months. You do you and be happy with YOUR BLESSINGS and stop worrying about society and others! You (the adult) need to start acting more like an adult, too. Life isn't a "gimme", which is what a lot of parents expect and thus are teaching their children... NOT GOOD. Life is about hard work in everything. Your physical appearance, your job, your marriage, your parenting, your friendships, your spirituality, everything. If you want something- for God sake's WORK FOR IT. Don't bitch and moan b/c life isn't fair. I am so SICK of hearing adults say - IT ISNT FAIR... You know the old saying- LIFE ISN'T FAIR- GET OVER IT. Yeah, I was told that a lot as a kid and it's true! Do something to change the things you don't like or STFU!
3. EVERYONE... Be freaking nice for a change. There is so much self entitlement going on I could scream. Do something for someone else, without an expectation of something in return! Do something good for someone JUST BECAUSE. You don't have to give money- that's the easy way out. Give your time, make time. Go volunteer at a shelter 1x a month for 2 hours! You can find that time! Go help a local animal shelter wash dogs with your kids! Go help the nursing homes and elderly by playing board games with the people!!! When you die- make your life and it's meaning worth something... Leave a legacy. You may not be Mandela, Gandhi or Mother Theresa, but do something your and your kids will remember....
4. The Secret of Life... You get what you give... If you are constantly putting negative "vibes" out, well- expect negative things and "vibes" to be returned. Positive "vibes" get positive returns. Easy. Don't believe me? Wake up late, rush, stub your toe, spill your coffee, get in a bad mood and how was the rest of your day???? Or how about your wake up late- don't freak out, but just take a deep breath- get a grip and stay positive... Your day will go much better! Just try it for a week... Be positive... There is enough negativity in the world- what would it hurt to try?!
5. Everyone... Stop being so WHINEY about everything! That says enough for itself. Revert back to #2- do something to change it or STFU!
End of rant.
Katie :)
Friday, December 27, 2013
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Life Is About Living... Don't Judge Others...
So, I don't really know where this blog entry will take me. There are so many things going on in my mind, but they all lead to the same issue... How come people can be so narrow minded when it comes to someone else believing or doing something in a way that they may not be familiar with?
I mean whether it is religion, relationships, food, talking, thinking, culture, etc, how come people put down others or how come people make others feel like their way is inferior? Why is it? Because they don't do exactly like you do? Because it may deviate from a social norm that you are used to? Because you may not understand it??????
Let me enlighten the few of you that do actually read my blog... Please don't do this to people. Trying to marginalize people and make everyone fit into some of the same categories only makes you look ridiculous. People are meant to blossom and be different and be unique! People are meant to believe, think, eat, worship, talk, walk, whatever- differently. Society has set forth some socially acceptable "norms" based on our culture, but this is stupid because you know what- our culture is a vast group- a melting pot of people, beliefs and ideas. No one social norm will encompass every single person! Why try and pigeonhole people into a way of thinking or being?
To say someone is wrong because "this is the way we have always done it" or because it goes against your personal ideas or beliefs does not necessarily mean you are right. Everyone has their own perception and in their viewpoint, you are entitled to that. BUT that does not mean everyone has to have the same... I am allowed to be different, in whatever way I chose. Now when there is data and research that backs up one way more than the other- well, I usually try to go that route, even if that means changing something I have always done...
One piece of advice I can give to everyone is be supportive of your friends and family. Don't criticize them because they are doing something different... Don't make remarks like this is a phase, or a kick or anything like that. Don't say things that seem excluding... We are people. We have feelings. It isn't like it is some contagious disease... It is just a change we want to try...
And for those of you who care, I am trying a new way of eating... More whole foods and a more plant based diet. I would not call it vegetarian or vegan or anything like that b/c it seems to throw people for a loop. But after doing some research and watching FORKS OVER KNIVES and FAT, SICK AND NEARLY DEAD, it really made me think about what I eat and how I want my kids to view food... I want to EAT TO LIVE, not live to eat. I want to EAT WITH A PURPOSE, not just eat because it makes me "feel good". Food shouldn't have a hold on you... Food shouldn't be used as a crutch. I want my kids to see the difference... I want my kids to outlive me- and at the rate we are going, their generation won't.
Being healthy is more than just working out... More than eating more veggies... It is a lifestyle... And for mine- I want to try this. Don't call me crazy. Don't say I am being silly. Don't say anything negative... Try to understand why- if anything... I am not trying to convince you or your family to do this, I am not trying to push my ideas or thoughts or way of living on you... I simply ask that you don't judge me and mine- don't treat me differently over something that doesn't even affect you...
I mean whether it is religion, relationships, food, talking, thinking, culture, etc, how come people put down others or how come people make others feel like their way is inferior? Why is it? Because they don't do exactly like you do? Because it may deviate from a social norm that you are used to? Because you may not understand it??????
Let me enlighten the few of you that do actually read my blog... Please don't do this to people. Trying to marginalize people and make everyone fit into some of the same categories only makes you look ridiculous. People are meant to blossom and be different and be unique! People are meant to believe, think, eat, worship, talk, walk, whatever- differently. Society has set forth some socially acceptable "norms" based on our culture, but this is stupid because you know what- our culture is a vast group- a melting pot of people, beliefs and ideas. No one social norm will encompass every single person! Why try and pigeonhole people into a way of thinking or being?
To say someone is wrong because "this is the way we have always done it" or because it goes against your personal ideas or beliefs does not necessarily mean you are right. Everyone has their own perception and in their viewpoint, you are entitled to that. BUT that does not mean everyone has to have the same... I am allowed to be different, in whatever way I chose. Now when there is data and research that backs up one way more than the other- well, I usually try to go that route, even if that means changing something I have always done...
One piece of advice I can give to everyone is be supportive of your friends and family. Don't criticize them because they are doing something different... Don't make remarks like this is a phase, or a kick or anything like that. Don't say things that seem excluding... We are people. We have feelings. It isn't like it is some contagious disease... It is just a change we want to try...
And for those of you who care, I am trying a new way of eating... More whole foods and a more plant based diet. I would not call it vegetarian or vegan or anything like that b/c it seems to throw people for a loop. But after doing some research and watching FORKS OVER KNIVES and FAT, SICK AND NEARLY DEAD, it really made me think about what I eat and how I want my kids to view food... I want to EAT TO LIVE, not live to eat. I want to EAT WITH A PURPOSE, not just eat because it makes me "feel good". Food shouldn't have a hold on you... Food shouldn't be used as a crutch. I want my kids to see the difference... I want my kids to outlive me- and at the rate we are going, their generation won't.
Being healthy is more than just working out... More than eating more veggies... It is a lifestyle... And for mine- I want to try this. Don't call me crazy. Don't say I am being silly. Don't say anything negative... Try to understand why- if anything... I am not trying to convince you or your family to do this, I am not trying to push my ideas or thoughts or way of living on you... I simply ask that you don't judge me and mine- don't treat me differently over something that doesn't even affect you...
forks over knives,
whole foods
Friday, March 29, 2013
My Journey.... It Isn't Over Yet!!!
Well, for those of you who have been following my weight loss journey, today was the final weigh in on my KMC's Biggest Loser Challenge. Now, I don't think I won, but to myself and my family I am a winner! I lost weight and gained awesome muscle! I started at 200.4 and ended at 180.9, that's 19.6 pounds gone! My waist went from 35" to 32", my hips from 43.5" to 42", my butt from 46" to 44", my neck from 13" to 12", my bust from 35" to 34", my mom pooch 41" to 37" and my calves 17" to 16". Overall I lost over 12.5" (from various other parts too) :)
Now here are my before and after pictures. Yes I am in my bra and underwear, but a bathing suit is the same thing. I didn't want to take pictures with leggings and tshirts because I wouldn't be able to see the transformation I wanted.
Starting pics... Jan 2, 2013 and ending pics! End of March 2013. Pretty proud from where I cam from to where I am now!
I am more proud of the muscle I have gained. Now, I am no where near cut or toned like I want to be, but I will get there. But for now here are some beginning and current stats:
AS OF JAN 2013 AS OF MARCH 29, 2013
Bench press: 30lb preloaded barbell 75 lbs (45lb bar plus 30lbs)
Overhead Tri ext: 10lb dumbbell 35lb dumbbell
Squat: 40lb preloaded barbell 140lb Smith machine
Pushups: 1 - real guy one 15 (in one set)
Situps: 35 in 1 min 57 in one min
Plank: 20 sec 2 min
V-ups 2-3 10 in a set
Leg ext: 45lbs 90lbs
Leg curl: 30lbs 60 lbs
Leg press: 95lbs 160lbs
Back ext: 15 w/ no weight set 15 w/ 35lb plate set
Running: 1/8 mi without stopping 2.7mi with 2x10 sec breathers
When you set your mind to something, like REALLY set your mind to something and amazing thing happens... This switch triggers and you just get tired of how things "have always been" and you get mad at it, so mad and that builds motivation... That motivation builds into determination and if you want it bad enough- nothing will stop you from getting your goal. Yes there will be set backs and yes you will have a few bad days, but overall- you will do it!
I got tired of being fat. I was tired of always sucking it in when out in public. I was tired of not enjoying life because of my weight. I was tired of not wearing a swimsuit (for 8 years). I wanted to be normal, I wanted to be healthy, I wanted more out of life. And I got it- and am still going! I am not done yet by far, but this is a damn great start to the new year and new me in just 11 weeks! Remember- if you want it- you will make it happen... You are your only excuse. Don't say you don't have time, don't say you are too tired, don't say I'll start tomorrow- because tomorrow never comes, you have to make time (you make time for FB and TV!), and you won't be tired once you eat and exercise right!
If anyone needs any help or tips, please let me know! Good Luck!!
Katie :)
Now here are my before and after pictures. Yes I am in my bra and underwear, but a bathing suit is the same thing. I didn't want to take pictures with leggings and tshirts because I wouldn't be able to see the transformation I wanted.
Starting pics... Jan 2, 2013 and ending pics! End of March 2013. Pretty proud from where I cam from to where I am now!
I am more proud of the muscle I have gained. Now, I am no where near cut or toned like I want to be, but I will get there. But for now here are some beginning and current stats:
AS OF JAN 2013 AS OF MARCH 29, 2013
Bench press: 30lb preloaded barbell 75 lbs (45lb bar plus 30lbs)
Overhead Tri ext: 10lb dumbbell 35lb dumbbell
Squat: 40lb preloaded barbell 140lb Smith machine
Pushups: 1 - real guy one 15 (in one set)
Situps: 35 in 1 min 57 in one min
Plank: 20 sec 2 min
V-ups 2-3 10 in a set
Leg ext: 45lbs 90lbs
Leg curl: 30lbs 60 lbs
Leg press: 95lbs 160lbs
Back ext: 15 w/ no weight set 15 w/ 35lb plate set
Running: 1/8 mi without stopping 2.7mi with 2x10 sec breathers
When you set your mind to something, like REALLY set your mind to something and amazing thing happens... This switch triggers and you just get tired of how things "have always been" and you get mad at it, so mad and that builds motivation... That motivation builds into determination and if you want it bad enough- nothing will stop you from getting your goal. Yes there will be set backs and yes you will have a few bad days, but overall- you will do it!
I got tired of being fat. I was tired of always sucking it in when out in public. I was tired of not enjoying life because of my weight. I was tired of not wearing a swimsuit (for 8 years). I wanted to be normal, I wanted to be healthy, I wanted more out of life. And I got it- and am still going! I am not done yet by far, but this is a damn great start to the new year and new me in just 11 weeks! Remember- if you want it- you will make it happen... You are your only excuse. Don't say you don't have time, don't say you are too tired, don't say I'll start tomorrow- because tomorrow never comes, you have to make time (you make time for FB and TV!), and you won't be tired once you eat and exercise right!
If anyone needs any help or tips, please let me know! Good Luck!!
Katie :)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
David Wood @ the Huffington Post
Well, Mr. Wood... I read your article titled "Defense Budget Faces Cuts To Personnel After Decade of War"
and I have to say, you SORRY SON OF A BITCH... You know what, if you can't stand with out troops, feel free to stand in front of them...
Your article made me sick to my stomach. You criticize our military's pay, saying we have LAVISH salaries, stating facts of us making on average $50k a year, being able to save 30% at the base commissaries, having too many education benefits and other "perks". And saying the government needs to reel it in on our pay and benefits and stating that mental health care and new research on PTSD could hault... Really? Our government throws us into a war, increases the ops tempo, sends many of us on back to back deployments, months and months away from family and you agree cutting mental health care is part of the solution?! Are you really that stupid? I am so beside myself with anger and hate right now (and I try to NEVER use the word HATE), but sir- I HATE YOU.
Let me start by addressing the pay:
I don't know where you got your numbers, but let me break it down- you can use GOOGLE to search military pay charts **** (*=year) and see the true numbers.... or here, you can search them all
First off, we got pay increases because the leadership was trying to even out the GAP between the civilian sector and the military... The housing allowance, we get yes, if we stay on base, we don't see that money- we get quarters instead. If we live off base, yes we get an allowance to HELP PAY our rent, mortgage, etc. And that price depends on where you are stationed- some places are higher in the $ due to the ummmm... idk- HIGHER COST OF LIVING... In DC it will cost more than living in MS. DUH.
Currently, 2013, an E5 with over 6 years gets $2499 a month, plus about $300 for food and money for housing (or they keep the housing money in exchange for government housing). And since housing depends on location, we will leave that out for now... So $2499 for 12 months=$29,988 plus food for the year= $3600. So right now, we are at $33,588. Now the issue of housing, let's pick a nice round number, say $1200- because that is around what a lot of places are at- minus the LARGER cities. That brings the annual housing to $14,400. Now we all pay taxes, so please take out an average of 25% off of the base pay= $22,491. Now add all that together-
Now you addressed tax free combat pay- um, this should be a no brainer- I AM SURE THEY WOULD RATHER BE WITH THEIR FAMILIES THAN BEING IN A WAR ZONE. So shove that statement up your ass.
Then you say that we are so lavishly paid, let me address this line for you: Congress and the Senate make 6 figures, easy plus whatever they pigeon hole from the taxpayers for "business" trips and lobbyists. They get a pension after serving 5 years... They get full medical.... They get a whole lot more than the military. And yes, they "run" the country, but our men and women fight to defend her EVERYDAY. I think the pay our men an women receive SHOULD increase, their pay SHOULD be better, their housing SHOULD be nice and comfortable. They SHOULD receive certain benefits such as base shopping and child care, why- because it helps make our lives just a smidge easier when our spouse is away fighting, it helps ease the stress just a little knowing the base and it's benefits are here to help and support us when we need them.
You may be one of those who think- oh it was a choice, they CHOSE to sign up... Yes sir you are right. But without the brave men and women of the military- YOU WOULD BE UP SHIT CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE. You sir, should be defending them and fighting for them, not against them. Fight to cut CONGRESS' pay, fight to cut the SENATE'S pay and all their benefits... Fight to put and END TO LAVISH BUSINESS TRIPS TO HAWAII and fight to END the 1st lady's LAVISH WARDROBE SPENDING SPREES WITH OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY!
FIGHT FOR A CAUSE WORTH FIGHTING FOR! Not one that will earn you hate and resentment.
USAF Veteran,
Katie Fulmer
There is so much more to say, but honestly, you are worth no more of my words.
and I have to say, you SORRY SON OF A BITCH... You know what, if you can't stand with out troops, feel free to stand in front of them...
Your article made me sick to my stomach. You criticize our military's pay, saying we have LAVISH salaries, stating facts of us making on average $50k a year, being able to save 30% at the base commissaries, having too many education benefits and other "perks". And saying the government needs to reel it in on our pay and benefits and stating that mental health care and new research on PTSD could hault... Really? Our government throws us into a war, increases the ops tempo, sends many of us on back to back deployments, months and months away from family and you agree cutting mental health care is part of the solution?! Are you really that stupid? I am so beside myself with anger and hate right now (and I try to NEVER use the word HATE), but sir- I HATE YOU.
Let me start by addressing the pay:
I don't know where you got your numbers, but let me break it down- you can use GOOGLE to search military pay charts **** (*=year) and see the true numbers.... or here, you can search them all
First off, we got pay increases because the leadership was trying to even out the GAP between the civilian sector and the military... The housing allowance, we get yes, if we stay on base, we don't see that money- we get quarters instead. If we live off base, yes we get an allowance to HELP PAY our rent, mortgage, etc. And that price depends on where you are stationed- some places are higher in the $ due to the ummmm... idk- HIGHER COST OF LIVING... In DC it will cost more than living in MS. DUH.
Currently, 2013, an E5 with over 6 years gets $2499 a month, plus about $300 for food and money for housing (or they keep the housing money in exchange for government housing). And since housing depends on location, we will leave that out for now... So $2499 for 12 months=$29,988 plus food for the year= $3600. So right now, we are at $33,588. Now the issue of housing, let's pick a nice round number, say $1200- because that is around what a lot of places are at- minus the LARGER cities. That brings the annual housing to $14,400. Now we all pay taxes, so please take out an average of 25% off of the base pay= $22,491. Now add all that together-
Now you addressed tax free combat pay- um, this should be a no brainer- I AM SURE THEY WOULD RATHER BE WITH THEIR FAMILIES THAN BEING IN A WAR ZONE. So shove that statement up your ass.
Then you say that we are so lavishly paid, let me address this line for you: Congress and the Senate make 6 figures, easy plus whatever they pigeon hole from the taxpayers for "business" trips and lobbyists. They get a pension after serving 5 years... They get full medical.... They get a whole lot more than the military. And yes, they "run" the country, but our men and women fight to defend her EVERYDAY. I think the pay our men an women receive SHOULD increase, their pay SHOULD be better, their housing SHOULD be nice and comfortable. They SHOULD receive certain benefits such as base shopping and child care, why- because it helps make our lives just a smidge easier when our spouse is away fighting, it helps ease the stress just a little knowing the base and it's benefits are here to help and support us when we need them.
You may be one of those who think- oh it was a choice, they CHOSE to sign up... Yes sir you are right. But without the brave men and women of the military- YOU WOULD BE UP SHIT CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE. You sir, should be defending them and fighting for them, not against them. Fight to cut CONGRESS' pay, fight to cut the SENATE'S pay and all their benefits... Fight to put and END TO LAVISH BUSINESS TRIPS TO HAWAII and fight to END the 1st lady's LAVISH WARDROBE SPENDING SPREES WITH OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY!
FIGHT FOR A CAUSE WORTH FIGHTING FOR! Not one that will earn you hate and resentment.
USAF Veteran,
Katie Fulmer
There is so much more to say, but honestly, you are worth no more of my words.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
What Government???
Well, first thing's first. I applaud Senator Rand Paul for speaking up against our President's actions on drone strikes in an almost 14 HOUR filibuster!!! (but you know Rand, you could have pee'd in a cup and kept going!!!)
I know the President isn't alone in this decision and I am appalled at anyone who agrees with any of this mess! Taking care of and protecting out country is one thing, but being completely unconstitutional is another and it seems to me that most US citizens are just standing by and letting the government take away our Constitution little by little.
Now I know, I know. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so don't fault me for mine. I will be honest. I do not like the President. Not because he is black (or some say I am racist b/c I don't support him- bullshit). I don't like/support him because of what he stands for, because of his actions and I don't like him as a person. It has nothing to do with skin color or anything. I wasn't a fan of Bush either, so there! I vote and support people based on how closely they match my beliefs, which is the way it should be.
So no, I don't support the President, nor do I support most of the people in Congress or the Senate! What is going on right now is complete and utter bullshit.
Budget cuts of ridiculously small proportions, just to get by for another year, cutting DOD teacher pay by 20% starting 1 April, cutting military grocery stores hours, cutting school hours by 1 day a week, HEAD START has to boot 70k kids due to cuts, the military gets cut by about $43 Billion, the FDA cut by about $200M+, Airport Security- well ok, TSA needs to go anyways, so that on is alright!. But to see a list of all the cuts, look here:
The problem I have is this. When the sequester happened, what did Congress do??? Take a VACAY? WTF? A vacation??? With what money???.... Uh emmm.... the taxpayers. Thanks assholes.
And then guess what happens on March 22.... ANOTHER VACAY!!!!! Even though the money runs out on 27 March. WHAT. They work 23 days out of 60 and need a vacay?
And what does the PRESIDENT plan on doing about this??? TAKING A VACAY TOO!!! Planning a 3 day weekend and then a 4 day the following weekend! Thanks for tanking our economy and leaving it for us to feel the impact!!!
And this doesn't even put a dent in how pissed I am about our government! Vacations on our dime, Michelle's lavish spending sprees on our dime, Nancy Pelosi spending $10k a night on her room in Hawaii for "a business trip". WTF people? I thought you were elected to TAKE CARE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Instead you are spending our hard earned money and leaving us is a shit economy!
Yes, yes, it was pretty shitty when the President took it over, but he hasn't done a damn thing to make it better. If anything, he is making it worse. I think people forgot about the word impeachment. And i think people also forgot about the fact that we the people can take back this country. I know enough people are pissed, so let's do something. Not just about the President, but about all of the ones who are taking away our Constitution!
And since I am on a rant... How come none of THEIR pay is being looked at? How come Social Security and programs that NEED help are being cut??? They threaten military pay, benefits and just took away tuition assistance for the Marines... but what about any of their stuff? I think it is ridiculous that they get elected, serve 2-4 years and get full, lifetime benefits and money... How about they get put on an hourly wage system and earn benefits like the rest of us?!!!??!!
They want to cut, but their cuts are minuscule in the eyes of the bigger picture of the national debt... They cut programs like needed ones, education, but they still want to test food sources on Mars? Really?
How about this too- to help cut spending... WELFARE, it isn't being cut!!! How about you mandate that the states need to ALL enforce drug testing to receive benefits??? Like Florida :)
How about that one? I bet that would save billions! UGH!
My goal! I am going to work with my aunt and we are going to work on a petition to send up to Congress. With enough signatures, they have to address it, and I know it is a long shot, but IF we make it that far- I want to try and go address some issues. Anyone with me? Be on the look out for it!!! Sign and let's start a grass roots movement to take back our country!!!!
I know the President isn't alone in this decision and I am appalled at anyone who agrees with any of this mess! Taking care of and protecting out country is one thing, but being completely unconstitutional is another and it seems to me that most US citizens are just standing by and letting the government take away our Constitution little by little.
Now I know, I know. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so don't fault me for mine. I will be honest. I do not like the President. Not because he is black (or some say I am racist b/c I don't support him- bullshit). I don't like/support him because of what he stands for, because of his actions and I don't like him as a person. It has nothing to do with skin color or anything. I wasn't a fan of Bush either, so there! I vote and support people based on how closely they match my beliefs, which is the way it should be.
So no, I don't support the President, nor do I support most of the people in Congress or the Senate! What is going on right now is complete and utter bullshit.
Budget cuts of ridiculously small proportions, just to get by for another year, cutting DOD teacher pay by 20% starting 1 April, cutting military grocery stores hours, cutting school hours by 1 day a week, HEAD START has to boot 70k kids due to cuts, the military gets cut by about $43 Billion, the FDA cut by about $200M+, Airport Security- well ok, TSA needs to go anyways, so that on is alright!. But to see a list of all the cuts, look here:
The problem I have is this. When the sequester happened, what did Congress do??? Take a VACAY? WTF? A vacation??? With what money???.... Uh emmm.... the taxpayers. Thanks assholes.
And then guess what happens on March 22.... ANOTHER VACAY!!!!! Even though the money runs out on 27 March. WHAT. They work 23 days out of 60 and need a vacay?
And what does the PRESIDENT plan on doing about this??? TAKING A VACAY TOO!!! Planning a 3 day weekend and then a 4 day the following weekend! Thanks for tanking our economy and leaving it for us to feel the impact!!!
And this doesn't even put a dent in how pissed I am about our government! Vacations on our dime, Michelle's lavish spending sprees on our dime, Nancy Pelosi spending $10k a night on her room in Hawaii for "a business trip". WTF people? I thought you were elected to TAKE CARE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Instead you are spending our hard earned money and leaving us is a shit economy!
Yes, yes, it was pretty shitty when the President took it over, but he hasn't done a damn thing to make it better. If anything, he is making it worse. I think people forgot about the word impeachment. And i think people also forgot about the fact that we the people can take back this country. I know enough people are pissed, so let's do something. Not just about the President, but about all of the ones who are taking away our Constitution!
And since I am on a rant... How come none of THEIR pay is being looked at? How come Social Security and programs that NEED help are being cut??? They threaten military pay, benefits and just took away tuition assistance for the Marines... but what about any of their stuff? I think it is ridiculous that they get elected, serve 2-4 years and get full, lifetime benefits and money... How about they get put on an hourly wage system and earn benefits like the rest of us?!!!??!!
They want to cut, but their cuts are minuscule in the eyes of the bigger picture of the national debt... They cut programs like needed ones, education, but they still want to test food sources on Mars? Really?
How about this too- to help cut spending... WELFARE, it isn't being cut!!! How about you mandate that the states need to ALL enforce drug testing to receive benefits??? Like Florida :)
How about that one? I bet that would save billions! UGH!
My goal! I am going to work with my aunt and we are going to work on a petition to send up to Congress. With enough signatures, they have to address it, and I know it is a long shot, but IF we make it that far- I want to try and go address some issues. Anyone with me? Be on the look out for it!!! Sign and let's start a grass roots movement to take back our country!!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Life Begins @ the End of Your Comfort Zone!
So today I want to talk about Fitness!
I am so excited to be seeing results in my body! I have been working on it since 2 Jan 2013 and though the last 10 days has been a challenge with working out due to my illness and hospital visits; it didn't stop me from still eating well. My original goal with this Biggest Loser Challenge was 20 pounds and 2 sizes, but now I am reevaluating that, since I am only 6 weeks in and I'm almost there!
So here is an overview so far:
Beginning Weight & Measurements- 2 Jan 2013 A size 16
NECK- 13
BUST- 35
Current Weight & Measurements 10 Feb 2013 DOWN 16 pounds - About a small size 14
NECK- 13
BUST- 34
GOALS BY 29 March 2013
Weight & Measurements
175.4 (for a total loss of 25lbs in 11 weeks) About a size 10/12
NECK- 12.5
BUST- 33
Weight & Measurements
160 (for a total loss of 40.4) About a size 8/10
NECK- 12.0
UPPER ARM- 12 (muscular)
BUST- 33
Now, some of you will be like awww, that's great! And some of you will be like, that isn't much! Well - that's jealousy talking! :)

Some people expect magic pills, shakes and pre packaged food to make the fat melt away while leaving behind a sculpted and magazine worthy physique!
GET REAL! They don't work!
The only thing that works in reducing your caloric intake, upping protein intake, staying hydrated with water, and getting your lazy ass to the gym or work out at home! No one is going to GIVE you a magic wand or give you any pity for laziness, but you will get compliments when you get motivated and start moving!
And let me add a DISCLAIMER:
First off, I feel I am a curvy girl. I have big thighs and a nice, round booty. Not much boobies, but still a bit curvy none-the-less. I am a little overweight but by no means morbidly obese. I do want to say this though, I do not want to lose my curves, just tone, tighten and enhance them.
BUT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN BEING CURVY AND BEING UNHEALTHY- FAT. Being FAT is by no means CURVY. I may take some heat for this comment, but reality check people- when people talk about curves is means natural curves, not rolls and rolls. If you are happy within your own body- great! Awesome for you, but understand your life expectancy is drastically reduced compared to someone who is actually fit.
To start off with, I would suggest Jamie Eason LiveFit Trainer on She is amazing and offers really great workouts broken down in a phase program! Also she offers food help, but once you learn your way around food, you can kinda do your own thing with food. I would suggest tracking it though! I love and if you use it, add me bella42182 :)
You really need to learn about what you are putting into your body and learn to eat with a purpose, not to eat to fill your gut or satisfy that craving. Lots of fruits and veggies, low calorie snacks and lots of water! I won't go into my meals, but I do suggest meal planning each week! Set out to make 6 breakfasts, lunches, dinners and 2 snacks a day! I only drink lemon water during the day or 2% milk with dinner. I also weight or measure everything. If you don't have one, get a food scale. This is mine and I got it from Target
And when you eat chicken, measure it- 4 oz! Fish 6oz! Beef (only 1-2x a week) 4 oz! Weigh those chips or count them out per serving size! Make snacky bags yourself for the week!
Craving something sweet?
Make frozen yogurt bites (yoplait, a spoon and a cookie sheet- then freeze)

Eat 2 squares of Dove DARK chocolate (84 cals for 2)
Eat a minute made juice bar (60 cals)
Make some dehydrated pineapple, apples and add cinnamon!
Make some 107 calorie cupcakes!
For meals, google them. Some of my favorite websites are and anything with clean eating. To eat clean isn't hard and people think it is expensive... but if you think about all the money you are putting on processed, chemical filled food and just re route that to fresh/frozen veggies and stuff, it really isn't much of a difference. You have to learn how to cook and eat again, just like when you were little.

You will make mistakes and you will have bad days, but what makes the difference is making the next day better than yesterday and making tomorrow better than today.
You will see results, But not if you don't START! And you wont see them in a week, but soon!
One day you will wake up and say, I should have started... Now is your chance- Start now.
And doing ALL of this is NOT about BEING SKINNY! Because frankly, there are plenty of SKINNY FAT people out there! This is about your LIFE and BEING FIT because you are worth your life!
And think of it as a construction project! You get to build whatever physique you want and can dream up! All you need is motivation (look in the mirror!), dedication (don't give up) and 20-30 min a day (stop surfing FB and the NET and get down and gimme some squats, pushups, situps and jumping jacks!!!)
This is one choice there is no regret for, no "I wish I..." There are no cons to being healthy! So why are you waiting???
I am so excited to be seeing results in my body! I have been working on it since 2 Jan 2013 and though the last 10 days has been a challenge with working out due to my illness and hospital visits; it didn't stop me from still eating well. My original goal with this Biggest Loser Challenge was 20 pounds and 2 sizes, but now I am reevaluating that, since I am only 6 weeks in and I'm almost there!
So here is an overview so far:
Beginning Weight & Measurements- 2 Jan 2013 A size 16
NECK- 13
BUST- 35
Current Weight & Measurements 10 Feb 2013 DOWN 16 pounds - About a small size 14
NECK- 13
BUST- 34
GOALS BY 29 March 2013
Weight & Measurements
175.4 (for a total loss of 25lbs in 11 weeks) About a size 10/12
NECK- 12.5
BUST- 33
Weight & Measurements
160 (for a total loss of 40.4) About a size 8/10
NECK- 12.0
UPPER ARM- 12 (muscular)
BUST- 33
Now, some of you will be like awww, that's great! And some of you will be like, that isn't much! Well - that's jealousy talking! :)

Some people expect magic pills, shakes and pre packaged food to make the fat melt away while leaving behind a sculpted and magazine worthy physique!
GET REAL! They don't work!
The only thing that works in reducing your caloric intake, upping protein intake, staying hydrated with water, and getting your lazy ass to the gym or work out at home! No one is going to GIVE you a magic wand or give you any pity for laziness, but you will get compliments when you get motivated and start moving!
And let me add a DISCLAIMER:
First off, I feel I am a curvy girl. I have big thighs and a nice, round booty. Not much boobies, but still a bit curvy none-the-less. I am a little overweight but by no means morbidly obese. I do want to say this though, I do not want to lose my curves, just tone, tighten and enhance them.
BUT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN BEING CURVY AND BEING UNHEALTHY- FAT. Being FAT is by no means CURVY. I may take some heat for this comment, but reality check people- when people talk about curves is means natural curves, not rolls and rolls. If you are happy within your own body- great! Awesome for you, but understand your life expectancy is drastically reduced compared to someone who is actually fit.
To start off with, I would suggest Jamie Eason LiveFit Trainer on She is amazing and offers really great workouts broken down in a phase program! Also she offers food help, but once you learn your way around food, you can kinda do your own thing with food. I would suggest tracking it though! I love and if you use it, add me bella42182 :)
You really need to learn about what you are putting into your body and learn to eat with a purpose, not to eat to fill your gut or satisfy that craving. Lots of fruits and veggies, low calorie snacks and lots of water! I won't go into my meals, but I do suggest meal planning each week! Set out to make 6 breakfasts, lunches, dinners and 2 snacks a day! I only drink lemon water during the day or 2% milk with dinner. I also weight or measure everything. If you don't have one, get a food scale. This is mine and I got it from Target

Craving something sweet?
Make frozen yogurt bites (yoplait, a spoon and a cookie sheet- then freeze)

Eat 2 squares of Dove DARK chocolate (84 cals for 2)
Eat a minute made juice bar (60 cals)
Make some dehydrated pineapple, apples and add cinnamon!
Make some 107 calorie cupcakes!

You will make mistakes and you will have bad days, but what makes the difference is making the next day better than yesterday and making tomorrow better than today.
You will see results, But not if you don't START! And you wont see them in a week, but soon!
And you will be sore, you will want to take a day off, but DON'T! Rest days- weekends! But KEEP GOING! Pain is temporary, but your body is forever!
One day you will wake up and say, I should have started... Now is your chance- Start now.
And doing ALL of this is NOT about BEING SKINNY! Because frankly, there are plenty of SKINNY FAT people out there! This is about your LIFE and BEING FIT because you are worth your life!

And think of it as a construction project! You get to build whatever physique you want and can dream up! All you need is motivation (look in the mirror!), dedication (don't give up) and 20-30 min a day (stop surfing FB and the NET and get down and gimme some squats, pushups, situps and jumping jacks!!!)
This is one choice there is no regret for, no "I wish I..." There are no cons to being healthy! So why are you waiting???
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Sometimes you feel like a... Sometimes you don't...
Well, let me just say, sometimes I feel like a whale and sometimes I don't! :)
I honestly haven't felt like a whale or any other beach type animal (manatee, seal, etc, you get the idea) since I started working out! I feel stronger, healthier and have more self esteem!
I am so excited to ALREADY see my hard work paying off! Since 2 Jan 2013- I was at a starting weight of 200.4 and today, 22 Jan 2013 I am at 188.4!!!! That is 12 POUNDS gone!!! And I will never ever let it come back!!!
My goal for the 12 week Biggest Loser Challenge was 20 pounds! A very healthy and manageable goal. But with this weight just falling off, I may be able to surpass that! Either way I am excited :)
My lifestyle has completely changed, like I said before I workout 5-6 days a week and eat between 1200-1500 calories a day. When you learn how to eat right and what to eat to stay full, it is really pretty easy! My body no longer CRAVES junk. I have no desire for fast food and honestly after not eating it for a while now, I pass BK and I smell grease. It is totally disgusting! Paul made real chocolate chip cookies last night and I ate only ONE!!! And I was ok with that!
I have been able to learn not to let food have control over me! When you let food control you (with cravings and gorging) you end up like I was, a whale. :( very sad face!
Anyways, I use to log all my intake and exercise and it is awesome! Paul and the kids are so supportive and motivating! They all the time tell me how proud of me they are!
The only hump I have to overcome now is... THE DREADED BATHING SUIT!!!! I spent 3 gosh darn hours yesterday searching for 2 swimsuits. I found them and then almost had an anxiety attack when I went to buy them! I ended up not even buying them!!!! I want them, but ugh I am so scared!
I know 85% of women have cellulite... And I appreciate that people are like, oh I don't see it on you, but c'mon people. If I can see the dime size craters, so can you! Let's be honest! :) I just wanna get rid of it! And I know with healthy food choices and a good exercise program and hard work, it will lessen and maybe fade away, but that is my biggest fear about a swimsuit. I know my abs will be fine, I know my arms will be and my butt will look great... But my damn legs :/ eeekkk! I have always been very very VERY self conscious about my legs. And maybe it is because they have always been big- even in HS, even when I was little! But the big part doesn't bother me, it's the part where it looks like i got hit with a bag of nickels. Ugh!
Well, I hope you laughed. On that note I am going to the gym! Time for me time!!! I love me time :) I am actually really loving the gym!
Have a wonderful day!!! And when my 12 weeks is up, I will post a whole slew of before during and after pics! So stay tuned!
<3 Katie
I honestly haven't felt like a whale or any other beach type animal (manatee, seal, etc, you get the idea) since I started working out! I feel stronger, healthier and have more self esteem!
I am so excited to ALREADY see my hard work paying off! Since 2 Jan 2013- I was at a starting weight of 200.4 and today, 22 Jan 2013 I am at 188.4!!!! That is 12 POUNDS gone!!! And I will never ever let it come back!!!
My goal for the 12 week Biggest Loser Challenge was 20 pounds! A very healthy and manageable goal. But with this weight just falling off, I may be able to surpass that! Either way I am excited :)
My lifestyle has completely changed, like I said before I workout 5-6 days a week and eat between 1200-1500 calories a day. When you learn how to eat right and what to eat to stay full, it is really pretty easy! My body no longer CRAVES junk. I have no desire for fast food and honestly after not eating it for a while now, I pass BK and I smell grease. It is totally disgusting! Paul made real chocolate chip cookies last night and I ate only ONE!!! And I was ok with that!
I have been able to learn not to let food have control over me! When you let food control you (with cravings and gorging) you end up like I was, a whale. :( very sad face!
Anyways, I use to log all my intake and exercise and it is awesome! Paul and the kids are so supportive and motivating! They all the time tell me how proud of me they are!
The only hump I have to overcome now is... THE DREADED BATHING SUIT!!!! I spent 3 gosh darn hours yesterday searching for 2 swimsuits. I found them and then almost had an anxiety attack when I went to buy them! I ended up not even buying them!!!! I want them, but ugh I am so scared!
I know 85% of women have cellulite... And I appreciate that people are like, oh I don't see it on you, but c'mon people. If I can see the dime size craters, so can you! Let's be honest! :) I just wanna get rid of it! And I know with healthy food choices and a good exercise program and hard work, it will lessen and maybe fade away, but that is my biggest fear about a swimsuit. I know my abs will be fine, I know my arms will be and my butt will look great... But my damn legs :/ eeekkk! I have always been very very VERY self conscious about my legs. And maybe it is because they have always been big- even in HS, even when I was little! But the big part doesn't bother me, it's the part where it looks like i got hit with a bag of nickels. Ugh!
Well, I hope you laughed. On that note I am going to the gym! Time for me time!!! I love me time :) I am actually really loving the gym!
Have a wonderful day!!! And when my 12 weeks is up, I will post a whole slew of before during and after pics! So stay tuned!
<3 Katie
Monday, January 14, 2013
My Journey... To a Swimsuit!
So. For those of you who don't know... I recently (Jan 7th) entered a weight loss competition! I didn't enter to "win", but I entered for the accountability and motivation aspects. The thing is, I know I have said in the past, - I'm gonna work out, I am gonna lose some weight, I am going to... blah blah blah. And I do it for a week or 2 and then get discouraged and give up.
The thing is, I have realized, 1. I was not doing everything that needed to be done to ensure success (ie watching food intake, water consumption AND working out REGULARLY!) 2. I was always spreading myself too thin. I have this issue of wanting to please and help everyone. I always overbook myself and my family and we are always running around like chickens with out heads cut off (thanks to me!) and 3. I had never hit "rock bottom" with my weight before. Of course, there have been times I have been heavier than I am now (drinking like a fish while in retraining school- gained 40 pounds in 6 months to hit my whale weight of 216-220 pounds!) But even then, I wasn't at a point where I "wanted" to make a change (kinda like smoking and drinking, YOU have to want it!).
Well, over the last 14 days (since Jan 1, 2013), I have made changes in my life to help me with my new journey! I stopped working at the Fisher House- even though I loved it, I needed more time for me, more time for school and more time to help my weight loss goal with working out. I enrolled in 3 classes this term and have cut my volunteering time in half. Even though I LOVE helping others, it is HIGH time I help myself 1st! For a change!
So, my new routines and goals? Well, I entered this challenge with the goals of working out 5x a week, losing 20 pounds in 11 weeks, and wearing a real bathing suit in April for our cruise! I haven't worn a REAL swim suit in 8 years!!! I have been hiding in boy board shorts and a tankini!!! Madison finally told me a week ago, that swimming ensemble "embarrassed her" because she wants me to wear a real swim suit like other moms!!! Tears! So I have set my mind to all of this and I am already on my way- with the help of my family and friends!
My hubby and kids are so supportive and help me so much with their compliments and words of affirmation! They constantly tell me how good I am doing, how I look good, how I am just doing such a good job and they are proud of me! It means a lot! My friends pull me (and kill me) in the gym! I love them! Without them, these classes and sessions would be horrible to do alone! With all of us, we pull each other together and kick butt!
My new routine consists of working out 6 days a week! And yes, I have been getting up at 630 am on Saturday to go to the gym! When I work out at home, I do at least 30 min of cardio/aerobics and some strength. I always do abs! When we go to the gym (almost daily), we do 60 min of high intensity cardio- CARDIOKICKBOXING!!!! Holy hell, this class is amazing! The instructor says I burn about 800+ calories doing it with high intensity! And I feel it! I give it all I have for 60 min! Then we do weight training for at least 30 min after! We refuel in between with a low cal snack of usually pretzels or fruit.
I also use MYFITNESSPAL.COM and log EVERYTHING I eat and drink and my workouts! It tells me what my caloric intake (along with protein, fat, carbs, etc) should be. Currently, I have stayed under my goal! Woohoo! Also, a key to weigh loss is enough sleep!!! Finally I am getting sleep and Paul is happy! LOL. I get 8 hours (give or take 30-60 min) and have been loving it!
All in all, doing all of this, I have been able to lose 9.1 pounds in 14 days. Some say- oh that isn't healthy. But I am doing it the healthy way, I can't help if it is coming off fast!!!! I am working out like I should, I am eating! And I am drinking a lot of water! Some people have asked me how it is coming off so fast and I tell them 1st- EAT WITH A PURPOSE! You eat to sustain your life, you don't eat to "feel good" or to give into your cravings! Figure out what to eat and what foods keep you fuller longer! Eat the RIGHT foods, like fruits and veggies (raw mostly) and you would be surprised at HOW MUCH you can actually eat and still be within your caloric goal! I eat on average 1200-1480 calories every day! People are like- you aren't eating enough, or how do you eat so little!
My answer, I don't eat BK. I try to stay away from processed foods, I eat A TON of fresh fruit and veggies, we eat dinner at home, we meal plan for dinner every Sunday for the week so we plan healthy meals and I don't starve myself- I eat lean meats and lots of fruit and veggies!!! I add protein to fruit smoothies I make when I do an intense workout day (to help build muscle) and drink lots of water. I don't deprive myself of sweets!!! Anyone who knows me KNOWS.... I LOVE SWEETS and I love to bake! Well, I bake a little less, but I still do! And I eat chocolate almost every night... My reward if I do good during the day is 2 squares of Dove Dark Chocolate Bliss! 2 squares=84 calories and I count them into my goal! :) It totally is the icing on the cake! AND- I still drink my coffee!!! I make them at home, and use aguave nectar to sweeten (65 cals for 1 TBSP) and 2 TBSP of my flavored creamer (70 cals) and coffee is 3 cals! for a total of 138 cals for my coffee! Totally doable! And as a treat- ONCE IN A WHILE!!!- I will get a tall skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks- 140 cals!
Everything is in moderation and don't give into your cravings for junk! Find alternatives! What I noticed is my "cravings subsided after about 4 days! After than- life was cake! Especially with fast food! That shit is the DEVIL! Not only is it loaded with fat and calories, but it is soooooooo bad for you! Produced with a ton of chemicals and fried, ugh, no thank you! I pass BK almost daily (on base here) and I can SMELL the grease! Freakin' grosses me completely out! Yuck! Not that I am trying to be a health nut, but seriously! When you LEARN about your food and are EDUCATED on it- your eyes will open (same with politics, but that is another blog! lol)
Anyways, to cut this novel- Doing all of this, I have been able to drop 9.1 pounds so far- well on my way to my goal of 20 in 11 weeks! Hell, I am almost 1/2 way there and I am only 2 weeks into this! Though I KNOW my weight loss with slow down eventually, especially as I build muscle, I am enjoying it for the moment! I know everyone plateaus and I know everyone will have different outcomes, but my thing is- I just wanna wear a swim suit and have smaller calves so I can wear cute boots with boot socks and leggings!!!
And I KNOW I will accomplish all of this and anything else I set out to do! Why? How? Because I am dedicated, motivated and driven!!! And that is all you need!
Mucho Love!
The thing is, I have realized, 1. I was not doing everything that needed to be done to ensure success (ie watching food intake, water consumption AND working out REGULARLY!) 2. I was always spreading myself too thin. I have this issue of wanting to please and help everyone. I always overbook myself and my family and we are always running around like chickens with out heads cut off (thanks to me!) and 3. I had never hit "rock bottom" with my weight before. Of course, there have been times I have been heavier than I am now (drinking like a fish while in retraining school- gained 40 pounds in 6 months to hit my whale weight of 216-220 pounds!) But even then, I wasn't at a point where I "wanted" to make a change (kinda like smoking and drinking, YOU have to want it!).
Well, over the last 14 days (since Jan 1, 2013), I have made changes in my life to help me with my new journey! I stopped working at the Fisher House- even though I loved it, I needed more time for me, more time for school and more time to help my weight loss goal with working out. I enrolled in 3 classes this term and have cut my volunteering time in half. Even though I LOVE helping others, it is HIGH time I help myself 1st! For a change!
So, my new routines and goals? Well, I entered this challenge with the goals of working out 5x a week, losing 20 pounds in 11 weeks, and wearing a real bathing suit in April for our cruise! I haven't worn a REAL swim suit in 8 years!!! I have been hiding in boy board shorts and a tankini!!! Madison finally told me a week ago, that swimming ensemble "embarrassed her" because she wants me to wear a real swim suit like other moms!!! Tears! So I have set my mind to all of this and I am already on my way- with the help of my family and friends!
My hubby and kids are so supportive and help me so much with their compliments and words of affirmation! They constantly tell me how good I am doing, how I look good, how I am just doing such a good job and they are proud of me! It means a lot! My friends pull me (and kill me) in the gym! I love them! Without them, these classes and sessions would be horrible to do alone! With all of us, we pull each other together and kick butt!
My new routine consists of working out 6 days a week! And yes, I have been getting up at 630 am on Saturday to go to the gym! When I work out at home, I do at least 30 min of cardio/aerobics and some strength. I always do abs! When we go to the gym (almost daily), we do 60 min of high intensity cardio- CARDIOKICKBOXING!!!! Holy hell, this class is amazing! The instructor says I burn about 800+ calories doing it with high intensity! And I feel it! I give it all I have for 60 min! Then we do weight training for at least 30 min after! We refuel in between with a low cal snack of usually pretzels or fruit.
I also use MYFITNESSPAL.COM and log EVERYTHING I eat and drink and my workouts! It tells me what my caloric intake (along with protein, fat, carbs, etc) should be. Currently, I have stayed under my goal! Woohoo! Also, a key to weigh loss is enough sleep!!! Finally I am getting sleep and Paul is happy! LOL. I get 8 hours (give or take 30-60 min) and have been loving it!
All in all, doing all of this, I have been able to lose 9.1 pounds in 14 days. Some say- oh that isn't healthy. But I am doing it the healthy way, I can't help if it is coming off fast!!!! I am working out like I should, I am eating! And I am drinking a lot of water! Some people have asked me how it is coming off so fast and I tell them 1st- EAT WITH A PURPOSE! You eat to sustain your life, you don't eat to "feel good" or to give into your cravings! Figure out what to eat and what foods keep you fuller longer! Eat the RIGHT foods, like fruits and veggies (raw mostly) and you would be surprised at HOW MUCH you can actually eat and still be within your caloric goal! I eat on average 1200-1480 calories every day! People are like- you aren't eating enough, or how do you eat so little!
My answer, I don't eat BK. I try to stay away from processed foods, I eat A TON of fresh fruit and veggies, we eat dinner at home, we meal plan for dinner every Sunday for the week so we plan healthy meals and I don't starve myself- I eat lean meats and lots of fruit and veggies!!! I add protein to fruit smoothies I make when I do an intense workout day (to help build muscle) and drink lots of water. I don't deprive myself of sweets!!! Anyone who knows me KNOWS.... I LOVE SWEETS and I love to bake! Well, I bake a little less, but I still do! And I eat chocolate almost every night... My reward if I do good during the day is 2 squares of Dove Dark Chocolate Bliss! 2 squares=84 calories and I count them into my goal! :) It totally is the icing on the cake! AND- I still drink my coffee!!! I make them at home, and use aguave nectar to sweeten (65 cals for 1 TBSP) and 2 TBSP of my flavored creamer (70 cals) and coffee is 3 cals! for a total of 138 cals for my coffee! Totally doable! And as a treat- ONCE IN A WHILE!!!- I will get a tall skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks- 140 cals!
Everything is in moderation and don't give into your cravings for junk! Find alternatives! What I noticed is my "cravings subsided after about 4 days! After than- life was cake! Especially with fast food! That shit is the DEVIL! Not only is it loaded with fat and calories, but it is soooooooo bad for you! Produced with a ton of chemicals and fried, ugh, no thank you! I pass BK almost daily (on base here) and I can SMELL the grease! Freakin' grosses me completely out! Yuck! Not that I am trying to be a health nut, but seriously! When you LEARN about your food and are EDUCATED on it- your eyes will open (same with politics, but that is another blog! lol)
Anyways, to cut this novel- Doing all of this, I have been able to drop 9.1 pounds so far- well on my way to my goal of 20 in 11 weeks! Hell, I am almost 1/2 way there and I am only 2 weeks into this! Though I KNOW my weight loss with slow down eventually, especially as I build muscle, I am enjoying it for the moment! I know everyone plateaus and I know everyone will have different outcomes, but my thing is- I just wanna wear a swim suit and have smaller calves so I can wear cute boots with boot socks and leggings!!!
And I KNOW I will accomplish all of this and anything else I set out to do! Why? How? Because I am dedicated, motivated and driven!!! And that is all you need!
Mucho Love!
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About Me

- Katie
- Ramstein, Germany
- I'm Katie. I am a mother of 2 great girls and a am married to the most amazing guy ever, Paul. I am 30, Paul is 26 and my girls, Madison- 9 and Emily- 6. There is never a dull moment in our lives!!! I currently go to school full time and volunteer a lot. As of Jan 2013, I have embarked on a life changing endeavor- losing 35 pounds! I currently blog about it, so feel free to catch up :)