Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Losing Faith in Society…

It has come to pass that I find myself extremely disappointed in the majority of society.  I should clarify, American society.  Our society (American) is becoming more and more self absorbed, less compassionate, less empathetic with each generation that passes and gets more hateful and mean with each new era of minions. 

Maybe our core is becoming cold due to parents being less involved with kids and more involved with their “toys”? Maybe it is because of the pressure and “mandatory” compliance we (society, media) expect to our social norms? Or maybe is due to some bullshit “pre-disposition” malarkey that is going to make it’s way to the latest edition of the DSM.  It could be one or all of those things… 

But I believe it is simple.  Our society is corroding due to the fact that we have the world at our fingertips if we want it.  We expect, we want, we get, and we are losing the sense of putting in hard work for things, we are losing our basic values and ethics, but most of all we are losing our love for others and ourselves.  

The things we have, the technology that is available, the expectation for our “instant gratification” bucket to be filled, and the overuse and abuse of the right to Freedom of Speech that has lead our society to become visceral, mean, and so inept that we trample over each other and feelings because “we can”.   Freedom of Speech is sacred, I will admit.  But when people use it to say hateful, harsh, and bullying comments...that’s not right.  That is not a right that I fought to protect, that is not a right that—I believe—my husband and our friends are still fighting to protect.  What that is called, ladies and gentlemen, is plain old bullying. 

Being a bully doesn’t just happen in school hallways, recess and playgrounds anymore.  Bullying is taking form in coffee shops, work centers and on good ole social media sites.

Some may say- adults don’t bully, adults just need to stop their whining and grow up and deal with it, adults should be able to take it- they have thicker skin.  Well I’m sorry, I disagree.  Yes our society has become “soft” in many ways, but bullying is just plain mean. 

Some may say its just words, or it’s just a post on FaceBook/Twitter/LinkedIn.  Yeah they are just words, words directed at someone with the intent to hurt, demean, degrade and ultimately inflict an inferior feeling on another person.  That isn’t right.  That’s just hateful.   It wasn’t right in the past and is still isn’t right today.

Mean people just suck.  Mean people are becoming more and more prevalent in our society and their negative attitudes, comments and posts are poisoning the people around us.  Our children see how adults act, react, and listen to their words, tones and inflections.  They learn from us.  So are we teaching them it’s OK to treat another human being like this?  Are we teaching them it’s OK not to value other human beings as equals?  Are we teaching them it’s OK not to care about how others feel and the effect that words can have on someone?  The answer is yes…  And that means we are teaching them all the wrong things about how society should act/be. 

People, I believe, are inherently good.  Those in a scientific field often say people are predisposed to certain things, well- maybe so, but being mean isn’t one of them.  I believe that no matter what- you chose to be a compassionate, loving, empathetic person or you chose to be a mean, negative, hateful person- which sometimes means being a bully, too.  If you are a bully, don’t blame your actions and who you are (or have become) on others, don’t use excuses to try and justify your meanness and don’t blame others because you chose to be mean. 

We, as a society, are losing our sense of humanity and the basic kindness for others.  Being empathetic doesn’t mean you are weak, loving others just because doesn’t mean you’re a sissy; it means you care.  Truly caring about other people—whether you know them or not, whether you agree with their lifestyle or not—is part of what has made our race so unique and wonderful.  

Losing that… regardless of the technology we possess, will mean the end of modern civilization. 

That’s not a joke, that’s not a play on words, that’s the truth.  

When we all stop caring about one another and lose our empathy and humanity, we lose everything and the world will deteriorate into a chaotic mess of self-destructive people. 

The saying I try to live by and try to instill in my children- “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Gandhi. 

If you don’t like the path you are on, change it.  Don’t make excuses- just do it.  There is enough hate in the world, why not spread a little happiness- be nice. 

Much love, 

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About Me

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Ramstein, Germany
I'm Katie. I am a mother of 2 great girls and a am married to the most amazing guy ever, Paul. I am 30, Paul is 26 and my girls, Madison- 9 and Emily- 6. There is never a dull moment in our lives!!! I currently go to school full time and volunteer a lot. As of Jan 2013, I have embarked on a life changing endeavor- losing 35 pounds! I currently blog about it, so feel free to catch up :)