Monday, August 29, 2011

The Perfect Mommy: A View from Your Daughter's Eyes...

Well this is actually a difficult post to write.  Where to even begin?  Earlier this year, I was in my English 1st Year Writing Class and I had to write a paper focusing on a controversial topic.  I chose mine on dealing with advertising, children and how they have become so sexual, obsessed with their weight and overly mature for their ages.  My title for my paper was "Kid-Centric Advertising: Where are the Parental Controls?"  I focused mainly on the media, celebrities, peers and society in general.  Pointing the finger; they were the main culprit!  And it was "bad parenting" for those not stepping in and getting a handle on children before it was too late.  

Well, much to my surprise- I got what felt like a right hook to my head- for an eye opener.  Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would be a lot to blame for something like this.  So let me back up for a minute and explain what I mean.

Madison is 8 and Emily is 4.  Emily really isn't having an issue right now, so we will focus on Madison.  She has been overall a very healthy kid.  She loves veggies, she likes playing, she doesn't usually sit around and be lazy.  So, it started in 1st grade (she is in 3rd now).  She came home with a chart and telling me all about how they learned what was healthy to eat, what was good for the bones, good for the eyes, etc.  She had a chart that she had to keep track of for a week; writing down everything she ate and how many veggies, fruits, dairy, etc.  I thought it was a bit much, but it was homework, so I complied.

Then she started wanting to go to the gym with me.  She went a few times and did really well.  I had a lot of fun with her.  Then I started my series of surgeries and had to stop.  She got really upset and kept asking every time we passed the gym- when could we go back...  On top of that, the "I can't eat that b/c it isn't healthy" kick was in full gear.  I started to get concerned.  I didn't want my 7/8 year old having a complex already.  So we talked and I told her it was ok and did the whole mom thing.  Still not thinking too much about it being my fault at this point- thinking it was the school's health kick- which I guess started it....

So fast forward to this week.  We have been getting settled here in Germany and I wanted to start working out.  I have gained 15 lbs since I stopped working and I wanna get it off.  So we have been walking to and from school, the grocery store and shopping (all of which are anywhere from 1/2 mi to 3/4 mi away) and sometimes we go 2x a day- back and forth.  Good walking!  And now I have incorporated a circuit workout into my plan.  The girls like working out with me and I enjoy them too- they break up the monotany and give it some spice.  

Well, last night- Madison kept asking if she looked skinnier.  Today at the grocery store we went to get milk.  Well skim to whole milk have dancing cows, whole milk= fatter cow, skim= a super skinny cow.  She opted for the super skinny cow instead of 2% (the middle cow).  Lately she is super concerned with how she looks, if she is skinny, if she is gonna get fat, how her clothes fit, everything.  And she always seems like she is talking about it.  

Tonight, as Paul and I were getting ready for bed, I talk to him about it and how I was kinda concerned.  Here comes the right hook...  He said in his opinion (not being mean at all just concerned), Madison gets all of this from me.  Me?  Yep.  She is concerned with her appearance b/c I have made such a big deal about my weight, how my clothes fit, etc.  I mean now that I am typing this, it all makes sense.  

I told him, well I would think she can see why I need to work out and stuff, b/c I'm chunky and gained weight and I need to lose some weight.  And his answer...  She doesn't see that b/c you are mommy.  In her eyes you are beautiful, perfect, nothing could be wrong with you.  You are who she wants to be.  

Yeah, I wanted to break down in tears.  I didn't see how much of a negative impact my self esteem had on Madison.  I thought "well EVERYONE can see I need to lose weight- including my daughters", when in fact, they never have.  

To them, I am beautiful, fun, loving, awesome, cool, supportive, caring, disciplinarian, meanie, teacher, role model and the best mommy in the whole world.  And as Emmy would say they love me with all their heart!

In closing, my only advice to other moms is this:  don't vocalize your imperfections in front of your kids (if you think you have some).  The do really mirror everything you do!  You are their one and only mommy!  You are perfect in every way.  And now I know I am too- in my daughter's eyes...

I love you Madison and Emily.  And thank you Paul for opening my eyes and making realize they love me as they have me- big or little- I am a beautiful mommy :)


School Days Are Here Again!!!

So today is the first day of 3rd grade for Madison and Pre-k/K Homeschool for Emmy!  August 29th...  Well, it is kinda crazy!  Madison has to have just the right outfit!  Her hair- she wanted curled, bangs pulled back and crackle nail polish and oh yeah- makeup!  All of which I gave her- minus the makeup!!!

Emmy wanted to be just like sister~  Hair curled, nails done- she picked her outfit and off we go!

We walked Madison to school b/c it is close and we are on base.  She had a blast going!  Excited and nervous about 3rd grade.  Me too!  I keep thinking, where has the time gone? 3rd grade here isn't elementary anymore, which made it that much more harder for me to accept the fact, my kids are growing up.  Here @ Ramstein- 3rd-5th is Intermediate School!

Seeing all the kids out there today (over 900 in the 3 grades), I was a little heart broken to see my little girl all independent.  :(

Emmy on the other hand isn't old enough for PRE-K here,  but she is so smart I didn't want this year to go to waste- especially since she wanted to start so badly.  So Paul and I bought Pre-K and K curriculum books to work on homeschooling this year.  So far, she is whizzing thru the Pre-K book!  And she is having a blast!

It is amazing to me how much Emmy already knows and understands- a lot b/c of Madison and then from the little things I try and teach her.   I know they say kids are sponges, but Emmy is ridiculous!

Anyways, it's almost nap time, which means I get to nap too!  Yay haha!

  I'm so glad the girls enjoy school and learning :)


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some Kind Of Wonderful

he calls me bella (italian for beautiful- not the twilight crap).  he calls me "my love".  he calls me beautiful.  he calls me baby.  he says i am beautiful while i look a hot mess cooking breakfast...  he says i shouldnt try and hide behind makeup.  he reaches over to hold my hand every chance he can.  he hugs me and kisses me when i least expect it and when i dont even know i need it.  he says he loves everything about me...  even though i may not love everything about me.  

it's hard to think that someone can love you for you and love everything about you- even your flaws...  i dont even love my flaws.  love to me has been tricky.  i have had to learn to love...  i had to learn what love really meant.  the way i grew up (early) i didnt have alot of that.  and i feel it hurt me later b/c i "thought" i knew what love was...  when in fact i let infatuation and lust get the best of me.  

it has taken me (i feel) a lot longer than most to understand real love.  unconditional love.  love that means you would give your all for.  i mean i feel that for my kids, but i think that is kind of innate and a bond anyways.  but to feel a love for someone you willingly had to put effort in to get to know if different.  

i can see why there are so many divorces today.  i have had my fair share in that arena...  but all b/c i didnt know.  b/c i went with what i thought i would be happy with.  and i didnt follow my heart.

alot of people have questioned, my current relationship (marriage).  some early on made jokes, snide comments, even put bets on how long it would last...  well...  all i can say or do to that is smile and say i finally can say i am in love.  i am 150% in love.  i know my track record has proven to be rocky and sometimes down right like a loopty loo roller coaster... but it takes alot to get to know one's self enough to let go of everything and let someone in to love you and for you to love them back.  whole-heartedly.  

people (i was one) tend to hole parts of themselves back b/c they are scare of getting hurt...  but in the end thats what hurts themselves...  in order to love- you have to let go.  give your all.  i know some may think taking relationship advice from someone like me (on her 3rd marriage) would be relationship suicide.  but i think differently.  i have been in bad relationships, decent ones, and "safe" ones.  i think i am the perfect person to give advice b/c i have been there.  and i now know what it takes to find a good one, keep it and make it work.  

i know what i did in the past and i know what not to do in the future.  i love where i am in life and i love who i am sharing it with.  life isnt always about hoping for the next big thing or wishing for something bigger.  it is about appreciating what/who you have right now.  

bigger isnt always better.   the grass isnt always greener.  and opportunities dont always present themselves.  sometimes you have to make them happen.  

i love my family.  i love who i have grown to be.  i love being a mom.  i love being a wife.  i love life.  



Monday, August 8, 2011

New Beginnings... Sad Goodbyes...

Today is Monday, August 8th, 2011.  The girls and I are leaving the country, Germany bound in 2 days (August 10th for those of you who are lost).  Today was bittersweet.  I woke up- so excited... knowing I can now say "WE LEAVE THIS WEEK!!!"  Everything was going great.  I started packing and getting everything in order...  

Then we had dinner with Doug and Renee (every Monday- today was no exception).  It was sad, but I tried not to let it show.  I kept thinking, this is the last family dinner we will have here for a while.  Kinda sucked b/c I've been doing the family dinner thing now for like ohhhhhhh......  17-18 months now...  every week!  So it was sad for me.  But we told everyone bye...  Doug and Renee we will see tomorrow, so it wasn't too bad (yet).  

Next we went over to my friend's Dave and Tori's to say bye and pick up some clothes.  Well I was fine until we had to leave.  I gave hugs, was pouty...  But no tears yet.  Then we walked out the door and i had to turn back.  I just wanted one more hug!  I couldn't help but cry.  These are 2 of my best friends...  I don't make friends well.  I mean I am social and all and I get along with almost everyone...  But a FRIEND is hard to find.  And I don't have many at all.  So it hurts when you have to leave them...

And it hurts to have to leave a family I have grown so close to.  I love my inlaws and inlaw grandparents.  From day one, I felt accepted...  I felt a warmth with both sides of Paul's family- I didn't think I could feel (being that they aren't actually related to me).  But I do.  

His grandparents (both sides) are awesome.  I love to just sit and talk to them about anything, coin collections, weather, baking, religion ;), future, etc.  It's always great to spend time with them.  

His parents, both sides, are just always there like real parents.  No matter what- they would bend over backwards to help in any way...  From camping trips to weekly dinners, to opening up their home to let me and the kids stay while we wait to leave to advice to anything... They have been there to help us.

And then we have the siblings...  I wasn't as close to them as I would like to have been... But non the less, we all had our moments- good or bad or somewhere in between...  All in all, Paul has some pretty amazing sisters and a great brother!  They are all very unique in their own ways and it was great to see that and learn to understand their personalities. Though at times (early on) I may not have understood why things were happening like they were, in the end (I think) for the most part- we all are on even keel and hopefully have a better understanding for each other.  I know I do and I also have alot more respect certain situations now.  "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink..."  I guess I was trying to drown my horse in the beginning...  Didn't work too well.  But I didn't kill him...  So we will see :)

Now I am thinking about tomorrow.  FML.  I have to say goodbye to more family and my other 2 best friends- Jen and Sam.  Don't get me wrong, I am so excited to go, but I just wish I could bring everyone along for the ride lol.  I am gonna miss everyone.  

Change happens...  People come in and out of your life for a reason...  And it isn't going to stop here.  It's part of the military life...  It's a love/ hate relationship at all times!  

You know, it is so funny....  Thinking back- when I got orders to Utah- I was so pissed.  I cried, I yelled, I was just beside myself...  I put all East coast bases and 5 overseas ones...  and I got UTAH.  And now looking back, it was one of my best bases.  

I know some people hate it.  But for me, I enjoyed it.  I enjoyed being a UDM (unit deployment mngr), I enjoyed UDM central, I enjoyed MOST of the people (minus a MXG MAJOR and a 388 OSS SMSgt- but I won't name names...), I enjoyed baking all the time for my work posse, and I enjoyed being great at my job- being the go to person for alot of stuff...   I enjoyed my time at Hill AFB....  No, I'll correct myself...  I enjoyed the people I met at Hill AFB and I enjoyed the mountains, lakes and scenery....  Not the BASE itself.  It needs a leadership makeover...  

I vote to make my old SQ CC to skip all ranks and just go to General level.  He was the only one I ever felt like I could rely on, who had my back and who was the best LEADER in my entire AF career.  He would make sh!t happen if he had the higher rank to make changes himself (without asking others).

Anyways, I am kinda blabbering now.  IDK, I'm gonna miss this place.  All in all I haven't been here (in Utah) long- just 26 months, but in that time, I have inherited an amazing addition to my family (Paul's side), some amazing, lifelong friends, fell in love with this state and here I met the love of my life.  These last 2 years have been life changing... All for the better!   I love you all (Sam & Jen, Tori & Dave, Megan, Sean, Kyle & Alanna, my UDMs, my old CC, my old superintendent, my Chaplin, Patti & Curt, Doug & Renee, Carolyn & Bruce, Linda & Dutch...  Not to mention my family :) Dusty & Gary, Lance, Kelly, Momo, Dad, Mom, Aunt Pat & Uncle Donnie, Jason & Susan & Andrew)  If I missed anyone, I'm sorry- It's late and I'm rambling lol.  Goodnight!  

See you on the flip side of the globe!  

Add on skype- BELLA42182





About Me

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Ramstein, Germany
I'm Katie. I am a mother of 2 great girls and a am married to the most amazing guy ever, Paul. I am 30, Paul is 26 and my girls, Madison- 9 and Emily- 6. There is never a dull moment in our lives!!! I currently go to school full time and volunteer a lot. As of Jan 2013, I have embarked on a life changing endeavor- losing 35 pounds! I currently blog about it, so feel free to catch up :)