Thursday, March 7, 2013

What Government???

Well, first thing's first.  I applaud Senator Rand Paul for speaking up against our President's actions on drone strikes in an almost 14 HOUR filibuster!!!  (but you know Rand, you could have pee'd in a cup and kept going!!!)

 I know the President isn't alone in this decision and I am appalled at anyone who agrees with any of this mess!  Taking care of and protecting out country is one thing, but being completely unconstitutional is another and it seems to me that most US citizens are just standing by and letting the government take away our Constitution little by little.

Now I know, I know.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so don't fault me for mine.  I will be honest.  I do not like the President.  Not because he is black (or some say I am racist b/c I don't support him- bullshit).  I don't like/support him because of what he stands for, because of his actions and I don't like him as a person. It has nothing to do with skin color or anything.  I wasn't a fan of Bush either, so there!  I vote and support people based on how closely they match my beliefs, which is the way it should be.

So no, I don't support the President, nor do I support most of the people in Congress or the Senate!  What is going on right now is complete and utter bullshit.

Budget cuts of ridiculously small proportions, just to get by for another year, cutting DOD teacher pay by 20% starting 1 April, cutting military grocery stores hours, cutting school hours by 1 day a week, HEAD START has to boot 70k kids due to cuts, the military gets cut by about $43 Billion, the FDA cut by about $200M+, Airport Security- well ok, TSA needs to go anyways, so that on is alright!.  But to see a list of all the cuts, look here:

The problem I have is this.  When the sequester happened, what did Congress do??? Take a VACAY? WTF?  A vacation???  With what money???....  Uh emmm.... the taxpayers.  Thanks assholes.

And then guess what happens on March 22....  ANOTHER VACAY!!!!!  Even though the money runs out on 27 March.  WHAT.  They work 23 days out of 60 and need a vacay?

And what does the PRESIDENT plan on doing about this???  TAKING A VACAY TOO!!!  Planning a 3 day weekend and then a 4 day the following weekend!  Thanks for tanking our economy and leaving it for us to feel the impact!!!

And this doesn't even put a dent in how pissed I am about our government!  Vacations on our dime, Michelle's lavish spending sprees on our dime, Nancy Pelosi spending $10k a night on her room in Hawaii for "a business trip".  WTF people?  I thought you were elected to TAKE CARE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.  Instead you are spending our hard earned money and leaving us is a shit economy!

Yes, yes, it was pretty shitty when the President took it over, but he hasn't done a damn thing to make it better.  If anything, he is making it worse.  I think people forgot about the word impeachment.  And i think people also forgot about the fact that we the people can take back this country.  I know enough people are pissed, so let's do something.  Not just about the President, but about all of the ones who are taking away our Constitution!

And since I am on a rant...  How come none of THEIR pay is being looked at? How come Social Security and programs that NEED help are being cut???  They threaten military pay, benefits and just took away tuition assistance for the Marines... but what about any of their stuff?  I think it is ridiculous that they get elected, serve 2-4 years and get full, lifetime benefits and money...  How about they get put on an hourly wage system and earn benefits like the rest of us?!!!??!!

They want to cut, but their cuts are minuscule in the eyes of the bigger picture of the national debt...  They cut programs like needed ones, education, but they still want to test food sources on Mars?  Really?

How about this too- to help cut spending...  WELFARE, it isn't being cut!!!  How about you mandate that the states need to ALL enforce drug testing to receive benefits???  Like Florida :)
How about that one?  I bet that would save billions! UGH!

My goal!  I am going to work with my aunt and we are going to work on a petition to send up to Congress.  With enough signatures, they have to address it, and I know it is a long shot, but IF we make it that far- I want to try and go address some issues. Anyone with me?  Be on the look out for it!!!  Sign and let's start a grass roots movement to take back our country!!!!


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Ramstein, Germany
I'm Katie. I am a mother of 2 great girls and a am married to the most amazing guy ever, Paul. I am 30, Paul is 26 and my girls, Madison- 9 and Emily- 6. There is never a dull moment in our lives!!! I currently go to school full time and volunteer a lot. As of Jan 2013, I have embarked on a life changing endeavor- losing 35 pounds! I currently blog about it, so feel free to catch up :)